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About Us

Love Jesus, Live His Mission


Early 2023, after Leo shared the vision of a church of multiple house churches, sharing love with each other and with those who are far from God, and practicing the convergence of word and spirit, a few people, including seeker friends, started to gather in Houston, Texas, during which there were baptisms in Christ, there were team members joining the effort after completion of other ministry assignments, and there were other families moving back to Houston from other States to help planting. All happens because of our conviction that planting church together is one of the best communal expressions (and also one of the most needed in our age) of loving Jesus and living His mission

Now we meet in two house churches weekly, one in Katy and one in Memorial/Beltway 8 area, during the week, and held worship gatherings in a central place on Sundays. We intentionally emphasize on both house church and corporate worship, with each house church having her unique culture and characteristics, and with a weekly Sunday corporate gathering cultivating worship, rest, community and a deeper sense of belonging. The name of the church – “i611” signifies a verse from the book of Isaiah, echoing loving Jesus and living His mission:


目前,我们在两个家庭教会聚会,一个在Katy,一个在Memorial地区,并在一个叫Kingdom City Houston的地方举行联合主日崇拜。我们有意保持一种双翼并重的模式,一翼是家庭教会,每个家庭教会都有其独特的文化和特点;一翼事周日的联合公共敬拜,在其中能提供敬拜、安息、社群,以及更深的归属感。教会的名字“i611” (爱611)指向以赛亚书的一节经文,呼应着对耶稣和祂的使命的热爱:

en_USEnglish (United States)